African Cuisine in America
Media producer Stephen Satterfield is discovering the "foodways" connecting
Emre Rende: Quest for African Style
Photographer Emre Rende takes us on a “bird's eye
Crypto Art for Rebels
Learn the story behind the artwork “Rebel” that is
Changemakers in African Style and Fashion
Fashion, style and beauty can be manifestations of dignity,
Movies for Wine Lovers
The best wine movies and documentaries you can watch
Mehmet Sinan Kuran: Every Child is an Artist
Mehmet Sinan Kuran carries the art of illustration to
Local Makers: Natural and Boutique Brands
These small brands are doing their best to produce
The New Gypsies: Living on a Van
The latest popularity of the #vanlife movement on Instagram
Passion for the Long-Distance Walks
Can Bulgu talks about his long-distance walks that took
Summer Escapes to Nature
Stone farmhouses lost in the habitat, tiny houses, glamping
Urban Hacking Workshops
Onaranlar Club organizes workshops on urban hacking, weaving, paper
Fırat Neziroglu: New Horizons in Fiber Art
Fırat Neziroğlu has taken fiber art to a whole
Eylem Kaftan: A Quantum Leap From Documentary to Feature Film
Director Eylem Kaftan talks about women's stories waiting to
Pınar Tasdemir: In Search of Zen in the Kitchen
Chef Pınar Taşdemir talks about her favorite seasonal flavors
Barkın Ozdemir: The Youngest Turk Who Stepped into Seven Continents
Barkın Özdemir talks about his Antarctica adventure.
Babur Vatansever: Board Adventures from Turkey to Iran
Babür Vatansever talks about the hotspots for board lovers
What’s Up MAGS #3 Launched!
An issue full of “contagious” ideas to prepare you
Charles Michel: Save the World by Eating
French-Colombian cook, scientist and artist Charles Michel invites us
The Revival of Anatolian Rock
The British poet, writer and broadcaster Daniel Spicer talks
The Healing Power of Forests
The Japanese medicinal philosophy of shinrin-yoku (forest bathing).
SUSAN MILLER: Age of Aquarius
Susan Miller gives hints as to how stars could
Botanical Illustrator Işık Güner
Botanical illustrator Işık Güner reports from the mountain village
Los Turcos I: Mexico
The globetrotter Seçil Sağlam talks about her life in